Physical abuse is that involving contact intended to cause fear, pain, injury, other physical 

suffering or bodily harm. In the context of coercive control, physical abuse is to control the 

victim.The dynamics of physical abuse in a relationship are often complex. Physical violence

 can be the culmination of other abusive behavior, such as threats, intimidation, and 

restriction of victim self-determination through isolation, manipulation and other limitations of

 personal freedom.It can also include inflicting physical injury onto other targets, such as

 children or pets, in order to cause emotional harm to the victim.

Emotional abuse is a pattern of behavior that threatens, intimidates, dehumanizes or 

systematically undermines self-worth.

 "No religion sanctions violence against 

womens ''



Rape is a type of sexual assault usually 

involving sexual intercourse or other 

forms of sexual penetration carried out 

against a person without that person's 

consent. The act may be carried out by

 physical force, coercion, abuse of 

authority, or against a person who is 

incapable of giving valid consent, such as 

one who is unconscious, incapacitated, 

has an intellectual disability or is below 

the legal age of consent.

According to the National Crime Records

 Bureau (NCRB) 2013 annual report, 24,923 

rape cases were reported across India in 

2012. Out of these, 24,470 were committed

 by someone known to the victim (98% of

 the cases). India has been characterised

 as one of the "countries with the lowest

 per capita rates of rape"


It is a form of domestic violence and sexual abuse.

Although, historically, sexual intercourse within marriage

 was regarded as a right of spouses, engaging in the act 

without the spouse's consent is now widely recognized 

by law and society as a wrong and as a crime.

Marital rape (or spousal rape) is the act of sexual intercourse

 with one's spouse without the spouse's consent. It is a form 

of domestic violence and sexual abuse. Although, 

historically, sexual intercourse within marriage was regarded

 as a right of spouses, engaging in the act without the 

spouse's consent is now widely recognized by law and 

society as a wrong and as a crime. It is recognized as rape 

by many societies around the world, repudiated by 

international conventions, and increasingly criminalized.

The issues of sexual and domestic violence within marriage

 and the family unit, and more specifically, the issue of 

violence against women, have come to growing international 

attention from the second half of the 20th century. Still, in

 many countries, marital rape either remains outside the 

criminal law, or is illegal but widely tolerated. Laws are rarely

 being enforced, due to factors ranging from reluctance of 

authorities to pursue the crime, to lack of public knowledge

 that sexual intercourse in marriage without consent is 


घरेलू    हिंसा   के   ख़िलाफ़   अपनी   आवाज़   उठाओ 


Prostitution is the business or practice of

 engaging in sexual activity in exchange 

for payment. Prostitution is sometimes 

described as sexual services, commercial

 sex or, colloquially, hooking. Prostitution 

occurs in a variety of forms.

14 Countries Around The World That         Have Legalised Prostitution


* AUSTRALIA                  * DENMARK

* AUSTRIA                       * FRANCE

* BANGLADESH             * GERMANY

* BELGIUM                      * GREECE

* BRAZIL                          * INDONESIA

*CANADA                         * NETHERLANDS

                        Where  does  INDIA  stand ?

Prostitution itself isn't unlawful in our nation, yet 

requesting and open prostitution are illicit. 

Owning a house of ill-repute is additionally 

illegal, in any case, as spots like GB Road and
Kamathipura demonstrate, these laws are 

infrequently implemented.


Human trafficking is the exchange of

people with the end goal of constrained

work, sexual bondage, or business sexual

misuse for the trafficker or others.


Trafficking of children involves the recruitment, transportation, transfer, harboring, or receipt of children for the purpose of commercial sexual exploitation of children can take many forms, including forcing a child into prostitution or other forms of sexual activity or child pornography. Child exploitation may also involve forced labour or services, slavery or practices similar to slavery, servitude, the removal of organs, illicit international adoption, trafficking for early marriage, recruitment as child soldiers, for use in begging or as athletes (such as child camel jockeys or football players.

IOM statistics indicate that a significant minority  of trafficked persons it assisted in 2011 were less than 18 years of age, which is roughly consistent with estimates from previous years. It was reported in 2010 that Thailand and Brazil were considered to have the worst child sex trafficking records.

Traffickers in children may take advantage of the parents' extreme poverty. Parents may sell children to traffickers in order to pay off debts or gain income, or they may be deceived concerning the prospects of training and a better life for their children. They may sell their children into labor, sex trafficking, or illegal adoptions.

The adoption process, legal and illegal, when abused can sometimes result in cases of trafficking of babies and pregnant women from developing countries to the West. 

The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child at Article 34, states, "States Parties undertake to protect the child from all forms of sexual exploitation and sexual abuse".In the European Union, commercial sexual exploitation of children is subject to a directive – Directive 2011/92/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 13 December 2011 on combating the sexual abuse and sexual exploitation of children and child pornography.

The Hague Convention on Protection of Children and Co-operation in Respect of Intercountry Adoption (or Hague Adoption Convention) is an international convention dealing with international adoption, that aims at preventing child laundering, child trafficking, and other abuses related to international adoption.

The Optional Protocol on the Involvement of Children in Armed Conflict seeks to prevent forceful recruitment (e.g. by guerrilla forces) of children for use in armed conflicts.

                ~SEX TRAFFICKING~

Warning of Prostitution and Human trafficking in South Korea for G.I. by United States Forces Korea.

The International Labor Organization claims that sex trafficking affects 4.5 million people worldwide. Most victims find themselves in coercive or abusive situations from which escape is both difficult and dangerous.

Trafficking for sexual exploitation was formerly thought of as the organized movement of people, usually women, between countries and within countries for sex work with the use of physical coercion, deception and bondage through forced debt. However, the Trafficking Victims Protection Act of 2000 (US), does not require movement for the offence. The issue becomes contentious when the element of coercion is removed from the definition to incorporate facilitation of consensual involvement in prostitution. For example, in the United Kingdom, the Sexual Offences Act 2003incorporated trafficking for sexual exploitation but did not require those committing the offence to use coercion, deception or force, so that it also includes any person who enters the UK to carry out sex work with consent as having been "trafficked." In addition, any minor involved in a commercial sex act in the US while under the age of 18 qualifies as a trafficking victim, even if no force, fraud or coercion is involved, under the definition of "Severe Forms of Trafficking in Persons" in the US Trafficking Victims Protection Act of 2000.

Sexual trafficking includes coercing a migrant into a sexual act as a condition of allowing or arranging the migration. Sexual trafficking uses physical or sexual coercion, deception, abuse of power and bondage incurred through forced debt. Trafficked women and children, for instance, are often promised work in the domestic or service industry, but instead are sometimes taken to brothels where they are required to undertake sex work, while their passports and other identification papers are confiscated. They may be beaten or locked up and promised their freedom only after earning – through prostitution – their purchase price, as well as their travel and visa costs.

                ~FORCED MARRIAGE~

A forced marriage is a marriage where one or both participants are married 

without their freely given consent. Servile marriage is defined as a marriage

 involving a person being sold, transferred or inherited into that marriage

. According to ECPAT, "Child trafficking for forced marriage is simply another 

manifestation of trafficking and is not restricted to particular nationalities or 


A forced marriage qualifies as a form of human trafficking in certain 

situations. If a woman is sent abroad, forced into the marriage and then

 repeatedly compelled to engage in sexual conduct with her new 

husband, then her experience is that of sex trafficking. If the bride is 

treated as a domestic servant by her new husband and/or his family, 

then this is a form of labor trafficking.


Labour trafficking is the movement of persons for the purpose of 

forced labor and services.It may involve bonded labor, involuntary servitude, 

domestic servitude, and child labor. Labor trafficking happens most often within 

the domain of domestic work, agriculture, construction, manufacturing and 

entertainment; and migrant workers and indigenous people are especially at risk 

of becoming victims. People smuggling operations are also known to traffic 

people for the exploitation of their labour, for example, as transporters.


Explicit entertainment might be exhibited in an assortment of 

media, including books, magazines, postcards, photos,

 design, drawing, painting, movement, sound account, 

telephone calls, composing, film, video, and computer 


                   ~ SEXUAL  HARRASMENT AT 


Workplace harassment is all too common. As victims are often unsure of what qualifies as harassment and what to do when they're being harassed, it often goes unreported and continues to be an issue. Workplace harassment can ruin a great job and turn a company into a toxic and unproductive environment.
The "Me Too" movement has enhanced awareness of sexual harassment and many employers have reexamined and strengthened their policies and procedures. Victims have felt more comfortable reporting incidences of harassment.



